Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dear Baby B

Dear  19-month–old Brooklynn,
My sweet girl. You are 19 months today. Oh how I love you.
I wanted to capture you on one of our regular, normal days. Yes, I could of dolled you up, but I wanted to remember you; 
you with no pants on, 

you with oatmeal and marker on your shirt,

you with chipped nail polish on your toesies, 

you playing,

and you with the sweetest face that melts my heart every day.

You won’t be able to know the love I have for you until you become a mother yourself and that’s ok. My heart bursts at the seams of love for you.
You have the heart of your daddy: sweet, gentle, passive and loving.
And the mind of your momma: silly, bratty, attitude-ish, and a talker!
The Lord has blessed me tremendously as a momma who can stay home and raise you according to His Will. I’m home with you every day and couldn’t ask for it to be any other way.
You are growing soo fast. I still look at your baby pictures and *smile*. But then I look at you now and I smile even more. 

You bring so much joy to your daddy and I.
You still sleep in our bed. But I love it. I love when you wake up and crawl over to fall back to sleep on me.
You ask to get your teeth brushed more than 3 times a day. Of course, we only brush your teeth twice a day. You can’t swallow that stuff all day long! Even though I know you’d probably like too.
You want your fingers and toes painted whenever you see momma doing the same.
You eat way too many Goldfish, but that would be my fault.
You have a sweet tooth. Just like momma!
You make messes everywhere! Again, my fault.
You growl for lion, gorilla, tiger and bear.
You say the sounds to dog, duck, elephant, monkey and cat.
If I leave the utensil drawer a tad bit open, there you are, right behind me to close it shut. Funny.
You are a fantastic eater! I make, you eat. And our world keeps going.
This is your “cheese” face. Yes, we’re working on that.

You have the hair of a 3 yr old.
You’d spend your whole day outside if I let you.
You hug and kiss me when I ask for it.
You can say: mommy, dada, wo-wo (Lolo), maaaaama(grandma), nana (nina), paaapa (grandpa), hi,
You can sign: water, bath, sleep, apple, banana, sleep, milk but understand a lot more.
You know your: hair, ear, eyes, tongue, nose, belly, hands, feet, belly button, underarm, and “nice buns”.
You dance and sing.
You know where “Jesus” is. And one day, I pray He will be in your heart.
I love you baby girl. Oh do I ever.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Goodbye Rancho Cucamonga, Hello Chino!

We are leaving our sweet and humble little place in Rancho Cucamonga and moving to Chino! Whoot whoot!
Doin’ big thangs ova here! Juuuust kidding! We’re only upgrading one more bedroom, a front and back yard and a garage. But that is certainly the things we needed!
It’s a good move for us and we believe it is where God wants us to be.
14 more days and we’ll be in our new place. It’s a small little house but perfect for my little family. (Prayfully, “growing” little family) ---All in God’s timing----
I am one day going to turn this blog into a book for my sweet youngin’s to read; so I have to document nearly everything.
This apartment is the place where we brought sweet Brooklynn home for the first time. Where she crawled, walked and made messes EVERYWHERE.
Where she had her fist bath, her first smile and first word.
It’s only been 2 years but, oh the memories that were created here in this little place.
I took some snapshots of different things in the home and how things were placed and how we lived.
You WON’T see our bedroom, partly because it’s really not an “awe” and “ohh” look, and partly because my bed is not made. That’s just life.
You WON’T see our “office area” because I’m too embarrassed of the never-ending pile of bills, letters, statements, coupns and who knows what else! **please note, I do have an organizer on the wall for all of these things, but for some reason, they just spill out everywhere else on the desk.
You WON’T see our bathroom because there are some V-Day pics (post: Valentine's Gifts ) for my hubby’s eyes only. Oh ya oh yaaaa!
I’m going to add in a couple of things that I made.
I changed out my “year around” (post: Wreath Make-over ) wreath with this burlap wreath. Love. Here is the link where I got the tutorial. Burlap Ruffle Wreath

My awesome pillow covers! 

Here is the tutorial for the petal cover: petal pillow 

Our little gallery of a family. I do have plans on changing this up in our new home.
 Our book shelves, with hardly any books.
 Some up close pics in the book shelf.
My favorite part... mmm
 Sweet girl on her birthday
 My loves

My "used to be black now spray painted green" purse holder. I love seeing that when I walk into my home.
 Faith - Let go and let God --- as we leave the house.

 I "believe" sign I made. And yes, some pasta on the stove.
 Love my clock. Even though I can't tell time.

 My gallery of sweet Baby B in the hallway that leads to her room.

Our Guest bathroom
I had to take this from the outside so you are looking through the mirror's reflection.

 $2 thrift store wall shelf (spray painted white)
$1 picture frame (spray painted whtie)
$1 hollow picture frame (spray painted white)
I love thrift stores!

 And that is where I'm going to end. I really wanted to take some pics of Baby B's room but I'm already starting to tear that room down so it's not really nice for picture taking. So I'm off---- off to pack up our belongings.