So I have this mirror in my dining area and absolutely love it! I had always wanted a big mirror and found this one at Tai Pan Trading for only $100! (I love that store)
For the past two Christmas’ (I’ve had it for about 2 years), I always put my Christmas wreath hanging from it, like so:
Every time Christmas is over, I’m so sad to take down my wreath because of how empty my mirror looks.
So I decided to make my own “year-around” wreath.
I used:
· Wreath (bought at Michaels) $3
· Different strips of fabric
· Hot glue gun
· Vintage buttons
· Satin ribbon (to hang)
I made my rosettes as usual (I use and sell these on my page as head-pieces, found here: Girly Girl Bows & More ).
I used browns, creams, 2 different greens and a couple orange/peach rosettes to match the décor in my home.
Placed them on the wreath so I know how it’ll look.
I added some vintage brass brads to a couple of them.
Tied the satin ribbon up on top (sorry, no picture) and voila, my hanging “year-around” wreath on my mirror.
Just what my mirror needed!
I also have these two candle holders and candles that I got at Kirklands Home; they are on the sides of my mirror.
I wanted a little pizzazz and decided hey, why not dress up the candle?
Of course, only dress up the candle if you’re not planning on using it! hehe
I got a piece of brown fabric (the same fabric I used for the rosettes), tied it in the middle and wrapped it around the candle. You can use ribbon if you want, I just used the fabric because it was right there on the table!
Then I added a vintage button right in the middle! Easy Peasy! Love it.
Very simple, very easy, very cute!
My husband saw it and said “Has these always there?”
Me: What? The candles and candle holders?
Husband: Ya, did you just put those up?
Me: Uhhh, no, you did. You put those up when we got the mirror. (irritated voice)
Husband: I’m trippin, I just noticed them.
Me: I think it’s because of my dressed up candle.
Husband: Yea, it makes a big difference
Hahahaha. Ya, sure it does babe! Men sometimes!! (rolling my eyes) hahaha
Well, hope you liked it! Now, go, dress up those candles and make a wreath!!